My goal is to lose10 pounds in the next 30 days and 25 by April. This will allow me to be more energetic and accomplish my fitness and professional goals. My wife and I have card for parents near the end of their lives and do not want to do everything possible to avoid living my life in that way. I want to He able to walk my daughters down the isle and God willing, enjoy grandchildren. I also want to be physically able to travel with my wife to places we’ve dreamed of.

My goal is to lose10 pounds in the next 30 days and 25 by April. This will allow me to be more energetic and accomplish my fitness and professional goals. My wife and I have card for parents near the end of their lives and do not want to do everything possible to avoid living my life in that way. I want to He able to walk my daughters down the isle and God willing, enjoy grandchildren. I also want to be physically able to travel with my wife to places we’ve dreamed of.